My Experience and Skills

I've been fortunate enough to have worked with some of the most recognised brand names on the planet.
My experience has direct relevance to the opportunities and challenges facing Toastmasters.
1. A Global Perspective. My work has taken me literally around the world, and I've learned never to assume that what works well in one region will work at all in another.
2. Marketing. I'm skilled at analysing markets and briefing teams to create marketing programs that achieve well-defined goals.
3. Communications. Accurately determining what needs to be said to whom, and when, can make the difference between enthusiastic acceptance and rejection.
4. Finance. Plans without funding are pipe dreams. I understand the importance of cashflow and the necessity of securing funds.
5. Project Management. A clear plan and constant communication of progress will increase engagement.
6. Human Connection. My time as an HR professional brought home the impact each of us can have by taking the time to understand someone else - especially someone whose point of view is diametrically opposed to yours.